
Sitempro cooperates with ‘Centro di Riferimento Oncologico’ (CRO) in Aviano and with Associazione Giulia in Pordenone to the OncoBenin-Plus project funded by the Friuli – Venezia Giulia Region.

Sitempro was awarded the supply of equipment to set up a centre for cervical cancer early diagnosis and treatment at the Chu-Mel hospital in Cotonou, Benin.

The country has about 11 million inhabitants and is ranked 167 among 187 nations and territories in terms of human development index; life expectancy does not exceed 60 years for men and 62 years for women, who suffer a high incidence of gynaecological cancer.

Benin has no strategic plans on oncology and early diagnosis. Patients are usually treated in general wards and multidisciplinary integration between specialised centres is lacking.

This is the context in which in 2016 CRO launched a series of projects to train local medical and nursing staff in Aviano. The setting up of this centre of excellence will be supported by educational and informational actions on behaviours known to carry a risk of infection also aimed at promoting access to early screening.
