Modular systems

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The & modular prefabricated systems are fully equipped and can be used in any scenario where quick deployment of hard-walled systems is required for various purposes.

The system is designed as a plug-and-play solution.

No foundations or civil works or special site arrangements are required.

The solutions made available by are especially designed to support the activities of the following end users:

  • Customers working in remote and challenging areas
  • Humanitarian organisations and NGOs
  • Projects of camps for refugees, workers and miners

These modular systems are particularly suitable in the following situations:

  • where mechanical aids to install any kind of conventional prefabricated system are not available
  • in emergencies to ensure easy and fast availability (in the shortest time with no logistic support: also manual installation only)

With our “ & ” prefabricated modules you can set up:

  • temporary, semi-permanent and permanent accommodation, offices and schools
  • field hospitals and healthcare facilities
  • healthcare, education and reception systems for emergencies (including refugees) and development projects.

Main characteristics of the prefabricated (patented) system based on & ”:

  • no site arrangements
  • modularity (various functional layouts can be obtained) (changes – extensions – rearrangements)
  • supply as mounting kit
  • weight of each element less than 80 kg
  • manual assembly
  • pre-wired electrical system
  • pre-assembled water system
  • use as field module comparable to inflatable tents; however, this prefabricated system does not require electric power
  • use as field module comparable to inflatable tents; however, unlike tents, this prefabricated system can be completely sterilised
  • 100% recoverability and redeployment of elements after use
  • reusability
  • compliance with unified intermodal freight transport standards: after packaging, the prefabricated system has a standard size and can be shipped in a 20’ ISO-1CC container
  • efficient loading, unloading and stacking, long-distance transport and transfer between means of transport (container vessels, railway wagons and semi-trailer trucks without opening

Technical and functional characteristics

Metal prefabricated modular system intended for on-site assembly with no site arrangements

Open system to set up buildings of any shape and size; high flexibility to make changes, extensions and rearrangements according to various distribution layouts

Transport by standard means (no exceptional load transport) or standard 20' ISO containers; manual handling and assembly without mechanical lifting means

Easy and fast assembly (by few unskilled and/or untrained people); the system can be assembled and disassembled many times and all elements can be recovered; no additional or supplementary elements are required

In short, many advantages

Direct assembly on the ground level with no prior site rearrangements or foundations, particularly suitable for the very earliest stages in emergencies

Suitability for all stages in emergencies and standard building applications

From the most various logistic destinations to the most complex community, healthcare and hospital applications

Totally autonomous use

Metal aluminium construction

No alteration or corrosion

Air chamber to prevent rising moisture from the ground

Isolation of buildings against atmospheric agents, animals and parasites

Extreme weather or climate conditions (+50°C -15°C)

Compliance with current regulations applicable to conventional constructions

Sanitisation and sterilisation of single elements and fully assembled constructions

Easy arrangement of separate spaces / volumes / partitions with different pressures (both negative and positive) by combining/using special equipment

Security of buildings and prevention of unauthorised access

Easy storage and transport

Road - sea - air transport

standard pallets

stackable pallets

no exceptional load transport

four pallets in standard 20' ISO containers

disassembly with full recovery of elements

Technical specifications

Functional flexibility

The x system is based on a modular grid that allows for any functional and distribution arrangement ; inner actual height more than 2.40 meters

The system allows for large inner spaces (4.60 meters x any size) with not pillars in-between; load capacity 500 kg / m2

Logistic flexibility

Self-standing supports, fine height adjustment (millimetres)

No foundations or site arrangements or civil works

Construction totally independent and free from the site where it is erected

Easy and fast assembly

No skilled or trained staff

Manual assembly

No mechanical lifting means

Assembly team: 4 people

Several assembly teams simultaneously working on the same construction

Storage and assembly instructions

Video tutorial

Assembly manual

Technical details of elements

Basic () system

  • Single standard wall-frame
  • Infill panel for wall-frame
  • Corner joints (pillars)
  • Crossbar for large floor
  • Crossbar for mall floor
  • Single standard floor
  • Single standard roof
  • Mounting and fixing bolts

Supplementary () system

  • Upright for main frame
  • Base central element for main frame
  • Upper beam for main frame
  • Lower beam for secondary frame
  • Upper beam for secondary frame
  • Upper beam side support for secondary frame
  • Mounting and fixing bolts